
I’m most probably going to be offline over the weekend, and will be busy taking notes, listening to some truly great music, and (hopefully) indulge in photography at the Eastwind Festival that’s happening in Delhi from Feb 22 – 24 (I’m also going to try and rustle up some clients. Concerts and festivals are brilliant places to pick up a client or two, as I’ve discovered over the last year. Crowley also needs the moolah).

Since Crowley has been, in his own small, professional way, associated with Eastwind, a little something about the guys who thought it up –

Eastwind is the brainchild of the folks at Prospect Advisory & Management, a small company with some great ideas. A motley bunch of musicians and music lovers who, though mostly missing a few screws in the attic, are a very dedicated lot, and great people to have as friends. They’ve been pulling a lot of night-outs for Eastwind over the last year, and a lot of blood, sweat and tears has gone into ensuring that it happened (got postponed twice).

Without any further ado, here are the bare details for the fest:

Dates: 22nd, 23rd and 24th February, 2008

Venue: NSIC Grounds, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase III, New Delhi (next to the Kalkaji Flyover).

Timings: Gates open at: 12:00 noon
Performances: 1:00 pm – 10:00 p.m.

Performing acts: There’s 60-odd bands from across the country, but since Blogger is a pain when it comes to tables, I’ll just mention the more notable ones here:

Day 1 – Bandish, Dhruv Ghanekar and the Ranjit Barot Project, III Sovereign, Indian Ocean, Junkyard Groove, Mrigya, Pink Noise.

Day 2 - Cassini’s Division, Galeej Gurus, Half Step Down, HFT, Jalebee Cartel, Kryptos, Menwhopause, Myndsnare, Pentagram, Skinny Alley, Soulmate, Thermal And A Quarter.

Day 3 – Advaita, Artistes Unlimited, Demonic Resurrection, Helga’s Fun Castle, Karsh Kale, Level 9, Medusa, Motherjane, Parikrama, Shaa’ir + Func, Something Relevant, Them Clones.

The event also features a jamming stage (which I hope to hit at some point), a food court (moshing requires nutrition), tattoo artists (more possibilities) and other ‘recreational’ avenues.

So, see you there. Oh, and DO spread the word about this. :-)

3 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:

Anonymous said...

Yes yes I'm quite excited about this! All of us are going (I don't know how many people I'm going with - have made too many plans!) Yay! I love Delhi way too much sometimes!

I scribble here said...

yes, heard about this one. This had to happen right after i leave Delhi. hmmpphh :/ U enjoy and fill me with the details later :)

Mister Crowley said...

@ Syrup: (pardon the shortening of the name....replying from phone) Hope to see you there then....hehe...see if you can spot me ;-) shouldn't be too hard.

@ Scribbler: Yep...will keep posting stuff about the festi, fret not :)