
Happenstance that I came across this comic strip on the net in the middle of a reading of Stephen King's latest book, Duma Key (which, by the way, is an excellent read. SK has truly redeemed himself after the rather vapid Lisey's Story) (also, this goes out to the pompous cretin at the bookstore who dismissed SK as 'puerile, self-obsessed, pulp horror'...may you rot in Hell, you misguided midget, with demons dipping your cojones in hydrogen peroxide after a once-over with industrial sandpaper).
The comic and the book seem to go well together. Eerily well, I must say.
Imagine if you could paint your dreams into reality.....
Hell, I'd be Michael-fucking-angelo.

9 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:

Junuka said...

Hi.i came across he blog and i loved the way you write!hmm..reading it still.good luck and congrats for the other music blog too.

Mister Crowley said...

@ junuka: Danke :)
as for the music blog...that's not mine, I just write on it now and then....

Chrisann said...

I love stephen king
Ithought the last book was the cell....

Anonymous said...

I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby, come with me Friday, don't say maybe...

But what's this? You're going to an afterparty? With the band??

*cries in anguish that he's not going too*

If DT ever come, and you can get ANY sort of backstage/afterparty anything, I'll hunt you down and befriend you in a day.

If you feel you have to take me along for Maiden (the previous love of my life), I wouldn't say no, you know :)

Mister Crowley said...

@ Chrisann: Nope..there's 2 more after Cell and before Duma Key...Lisey's Story (as King) and Blaze (as Richard Bachman) :) and, yes, the last installment of the Dark Tower series...

@ Perakath: I got lucky mate..hehe...this is part of eM's conversion to good ol' rock ;)...DT..*sigh*...did you catch Myung's solo set when he came to judge GIR 2/3 years ago?

Suhasini Suresh said...

About time Stephen kIng showed up u know :)

And you are goin to an afterparty? With MAIDEN?

I hate you..uh..no ..I love you..uh no..I envy you..I think I shall go and lie down for sometime *sob* Thumb sucking and general self pity may be involved

Mister Crowley said...

Oh, yes...Duma Key rocks....I've also recently got my hands on the uncut DVDs of 'The Stand'...a 6-hour long Stephen King movie is a good way to spend your sunday :)

Perakath said...

You got lucky, understatement of 2008! Yes of course I turned up to see Myung play, so did all of pseudo-DT loving Delhi, so it seemed. I still have RSJ's poster of Myung with his Yamaha bass around.

Planning to sleep in the last row of seats again, are we?

Mister Crowley said...

@ perakath: Last row...not on Indigo..heh...besides, it's a noon flight...won't want to sleep on it...