Wouldn't you know it? Driving down the India Gate circle, wind in my hair and (ironically) howling along to Adam Sandler's 'Ode to my Car', when suddenly my little jalopy gives three loud coughs and one long wheeze and dies. I make two important discoveries at this point (past midnight on an empty road), namely, (i) my car's fuel indicator is on the blink after 9-odd years of yeoman service; and (ii) whoever labelled a Zen a 'small car' ought to have their head examined. Try pushing one, all by yourself, a mile or so to the nearest petrol pump. Ain't all that small a car, I can tell you that. Anyhow, l'auto is now properly fuelled (even gave a happy little burp, post hydrocarbon feed) and we're back in business.
I’ve been sort of working on a book manuscript for a while (actually, nearly two years), but never quite seem to finish it. It’s mostly comédie noire, partially based on stuff which has happened to me, and the rest of it being nonsense that I’ve cooked up sitting at my desk. Whether I finish it or not (and whether it ever sees the light of a publisher’s desk lamp) is moot at this point, but I was tooling around with the idea of putting it up in bits and pieces on a new blog.
So, will you lot let me know if you’d be interested in reading it? It’ll be restricted access to begin with, so queue up for the gold key to the crapper, yeah? ;)

(Since a certain someone has taken to calling me 'Crow')
20 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:
what of copyright? the writing can't be terribly different from how you blog, right? Spoken to any publishers?
No. I suppose the style of writing will be mostly the same. Not spoken to any publishers yet, but have discussed it with a friend's pop, who works with OUP. Let's see where it goes...
As for copyright...you forget what I do for a living. Also, I use a variation of Canary Trap to avoid copycats :)
Yeoman service, eh? What is it with you and Pipi and your vehicles? Tch, tch.
Why new blog and all yo... simbly slip it in as a post here without saying what it is... you'll get honest opinions that way... of course now that I've said it, everyone's alerted and the opinions may not be so honest. But so shy, be not.
Yeah, well, Pippinder has a new car...so will I, shortly...muahaha
And why new blog? Zimbly just...what's here is not fiction, what's there will be...I'd rather not mix the 2 up. I like a little bit of order in bloglife, now n then ;)
A book? *Pats his back and says wow* Stumbling upon and then abandoning half baked ideas is bad enough, to complete one all the way...that's just supernatural :D
Book really? that needs some motivation yo..
please be giving me gold key, me sir please?
promise to give my dishonest opinion full of general terms like 'wow' and 'amazing' and other glowing reviews.
Chandni: thengoo....i just wish I can get it over with THIS time haha....
El: Yo...sure thing. will add you to the list, provided there's an email I can send you an invite on..
If i'm not mistaken, that crow is Baron Greenback's henchman from Danger Mouse. (i should know, my blog is called 'penfold speaks'!)
wow. there are other damger mouse fans out there?
oh and also. desirous i be. of reading book. to be permitting?
Ms P: His name's Stiletto...now, shush Penfold ;)
Also...you need to email me so that I can add you to the reader list
I want to read! I want I want I WANNNNT! Now that we've got that established, I somehow get the feeling I won't be amongst the chosen ones.
*Blames it on the Crocs*
count me in!
and good luck with it. I am sure it'll be worth reading :)
I want access too.
Moo: Beta, don't worry...you're forgiven for the corcs :P But you still need to shoot me an email so I can put you on the list...
Mukta and Moonshine: Ditto :)
You have my email address.. :) and I ve been sick and mostly asleep since wednesday evening. So, be kind and dont make me beg. Oh and im terribly surprised no one thought of moo point! Joey, friends, Moo point. Cow's opinion. It doesnt matter. So its moo haha! Ok too many medicines... - sirop/ JD
I'd love to take a sneak peak too :)
Will be sure to pick up a copy when it goes into print :) Good luck !!
Too late I reckon, but if you'd not mind a fresh pair of eyes having a look, queue me up too. Canary trap...? Do educate... does my blog name suddenly acquire a new connotation I wonder :)
Vardhan: Sure thing dude. 'Canary Trap', by the way, is this fictional name given to an old CIA trick to worm out leaks to the press. (Wikipedia has a good write up on it. For further info read any of the older Tom Clancy books)
And we mere mortals are left with no access. Damn! When did life get so unfair? :(
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