
A cold end to yet another year. It's not been as bad as the last one...neither the winter, nor the year i.e.

Like many others, this has been a year of a lot of effort, but little to show for it. The only difference is that I'm not feeling cut-up about it any longer. I think old age is catching up ;-)

As a new year resolution, I hereby resolve that I shall not crib about the world at large on this blog (and like most resolutions, we all know where that's headed).

I've never been in the habit of writing posts about the high / low points of the year that went past. There is a special place for memories like those, and this blog isn't that special place. So, I guess I'll just put down the few lessons I may have learnt during the year.

1. NEVER draft stuff at 4 a.m.

2. AVOID dating (or trying to, at least) women who will bump you off with excuses like "I could never date someone I work with".

3. People start doubting your abilities as a lawyer when you're a bit lax in raising bills. Also, you never know when you might need the money.

4. Doing completely random things can sometimes pay off. Like trips for what would seem to be the silliest of reasons.

5. File your tax returns on time.

What do I see myself doing in the year to come? I don't know. I don't want to know either. The best thought-out plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy, and I'd rather be blissfully ignorant at this point, rather than think "Fuck, not again!"

All I can hope for is that 2008 is a little more heartening than 2007.

To quote B. J. Armstrong, artiste extraordinaire, "it's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life"

Hell, yeah, I’m going to :)

Have a great year ahead, all.


2 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:

Nimpipi said...

explain pirate hangover?

and habby 08 to you too.

Mister Crowley said...

hangover? hell no ;D
we are like this wonly...hehehe