
A couple of months back, Crowley decided to commit seppuku, and submitted this here little scribble-pad of his to these folks for a review.

Crowley Asked.

And, yesterday, Received.


Needless to say, the Pirate's anal-virginity remains intact. Hallelujah.

19 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:

Perakath said...

How do you fucking FIND these sites, man?? I'm submitting SB at once! :D A professional nut-kicking sounds awesome!

Perakath said...


Mister Crowley said...

Per: Ha. Yes. You Ought to. You'll probably be a big hit there ;)

I've had this site on my blogroll for fucking ages man....

Perakath said...

Hmm I should go through your blogroll more carefully then! I found Law and Other Things off there as well.

Submitted for review! :D

Father Gene said...

Don't de-clench just yet.

We are always watching.

Anonymous said...

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!

Anonymous said...

I am most impressed!

That WAS brave :)

Bailey said...

Same guy who reviewed Joe. Lol at least you didn't get the 'I'm not listening lalalala' :-D

Mister Crowley said...

Father Gene: It's always in semi-clenched mode, that's the problem :P

Narco: Just you wait, ye little scamp. ;)

Chandu: Idiotic is more like it. :D

Bailey: Name change aa? And, yeah. I waiting to see what Joe would say about this ;)

Father Gene said...

Always semi clenched eh?

Were you an alter boy?

Mister Crowley said...

Father: Nope. I'm a lawyer. We all keep it semi-clenched. Never know when you might have to rip loose at someone ;)

Father Gene said...

A lawyer, really?

You should have said...

Anonymous said...

I was being polite!!

I love the site but I would never send my blog for review ;)

Purely Narcotic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Proseaholics said...

haha, well well well, if it isn't Gene, the wind up pastor? :)

crowley, am trying to imagine you in a corset and wonderbra trying to ooze out the uumphh factor.. and its a scary thought!

at least your anal virginity is still intact, cant exactly say the same for me now can i?? :D

Mukta Raut said...

hey crowley! very good! i think they liked you! :-)

Rassles said...

"This Indian lawyer, is, um… a pirate, well fuck me anyway. Judging by the header a dead pirate who hangs around the set of Dawson's Creek."


Anonymous said...

I think this was an excellent review. Father Gene scares me. He was positively nice to you.

And, thank you for allowing us less important fans to comment again.

Anonymous said...

give us a frickin post, ye sick seaweed infested deadwood!

and no i'm not referrin to your prosthetic leg.

or any other leg.