A couple of months back, Crowley decided to commit seppuku, and submitted this here little scribble-pad of his to these folks for a review.
Crowley Asked.
And, yesterday, Received.

Needless to say, the Pirate's anal-virginity remains intact. Hallelujah.
19 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:
How do you fucking FIND these sites, man?? I'm submitting SB at once! :D A professional nut-kicking sounds awesome!
Per: Ha. Yes. You Ought to. You'll probably be a big hit there ;)
I've had this site on my blogroll for fucking ages man....
Hmm I should go through your blogroll more carefully then! I found Law and Other Things off there as well.
Submitted for review! :D
Don't de-clench just yet.
We are always watching.
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!
I am most impressed!
That WAS brave :)
Same guy who reviewed Joe. Lol at least you didn't get the 'I'm not listening lalalala' :-D
Father Gene: It's always in semi-clenched mode, that's the problem :P
Narco: Just you wait, ye little scamp. ;)
Chandu: Idiotic is more like it. :D
Bailey: Name change aa? And, yeah. I waiting to see what Joe would say about this ;)
Always semi clenched eh?
Were you an alter boy?
Father: Nope. I'm a lawyer. We all keep it semi-clenched. Never know when you might have to rip loose at someone ;)
A lawyer, really?
You should have said...
I was being polite!!
I love the site but I would never send my blog for review ;)
haha, well well well, if it isn't Gene, the wind up pastor? :)
crowley, am trying to imagine you in a corset and wonderbra trying to ooze out the uumphh factor.. and its a scary thought!
at least your anal virginity is still intact, cant exactly say the same for me now can i?? :D
hey crowley! very good! i think they liked you! :-)
"This Indian lawyer, is, um… a pirate, well fuck me anyway. Judging by the header a dead pirate who hangs around the set of Dawson's Creek."
I think this was an excellent review. Father Gene scares me. He was positively nice to you.
And, thank you for allowing us less important fans to comment again.
give us a frickin post, ye sick seaweed infested deadwood!
and no i'm not referrin to your prosthetic leg.
or any other leg.
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