
It makes my heart bleed.

Why in the whole wide world would you nominate Metallica (hoo yeah), Kings of Leon, Kid Rock, The Raconteurs and fucking Coldplay for the same Grammy category?!

I mean. COLDPLAY. Jesus on a crutch. Yeah, I’m sure they’ve got fans (but then, so do MIDI ringtones), but, what the hell, they need a bunch of categories for themselves. Like, Best Lullaby Performance (Clocks), or, Song Most Likely to Kill Your CD Lens (Jello. Er. Yellow).

But Best Rock Album? Are you shittin’ me? But then, these are the same wallies who gave Jethro Tull the first ever Grammy for a Hard Rock/Metal Performance, so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

It gladdens me to no end that Satch’s suing these bastards for ripping off stuff from Is There Love in Space. Go Satch! Need a lawyer? I’m all yours.

11 Scallywags have walked the Plank |:

Proseaholics said...

Doesn't it warm the cockles of your scaggy lil heart that I'm going for their concert next week?

Oh yes, I am.

Perakath said...

I actually know someone who's a fan of MIDI music. He still uses a Nokia 3310, so no ringtone options for him, but still.

Purely Narcotic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mister Crowley said...

Joe: Your funeral, mate.

Per: Oh, MIDI music is ok (a la Jordan Rudess)..it's MIDI ringtones that get my goat!

Narco: Mis-hearing things in your old age, luv? ;)

a fan apart said...

where in the blazing thundering crappy parallel universe of the grammys is REM? not one nomination for 'accelarate', not for rock album, not for alternative, nothing? i thought the grammys went dewy-eyed for these comeback stories. u2 won everything for 'all that you can't leave behind' and it wasn't even a good album... stupid gits

Rassles said...

When the fuck am I getting my fucking Grammy, man? You should see my killer keyboard skills.

AND: Dude. Kings of Leon are totally mediocre.

a fan apart said...

radio nowhere. why the fuck is radio nowhere not nominated for best record? why why why? the saxophone probably scared them...

Mister Crowley said...

Fan Apart: I have nothing further to say, except that if Chinese fucking Democracy even gets nominated, I will commit suicide.

Rassles: And you oughta see my killer drumming skills (never written about 'em here, but I was a drummer for about 6 yrs). All we need is a bass-man and a guitarist. The Grammy's in the bag then ;)

Get yer Yah-yah's on, yer

Anonymous said...

So, I heard about this really cool band called ColdPlay... (JUST KIDDING!)

chitgo said...

shocking is Rolling Stone magazine's top albums and songs of the year. We're a completely different generation man...With a blink of an eye, electro-funk-pop has become the new rock.

Viva la vida was by far the most below average album of the year. the novelty has worn off, having a kid named apple is no longer cool and just because you're british - doesnt make you a good musician (unless your mom named you mick or mark or noel)

excuse me while I gag.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Agreed with the Mick, Mark and Noel bit of the last comment (though I'd add Damon, Brett and possibly Alex to the list too). But at least the new lot of electro-funk-pop making people don't try to pretend that their stuff is anything but pop.